TT4D Program Projects
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TT4D Program at Stanford University Creates Concept-to-Adoption Pathways for Technologies and Products to Reach Defense Systems and Operators
Interactive Human-AI Teaming for AI Model Development, Debugging and Repair
PI: Chris Re; Co-PI: Kayvon Fatahalian
Department: of Computer Science
Sponsor: United States (US) Army Research Lab
Camera Relocalization using 3D Point Clouds for Enhanced Underwater Situational Awareness
PI: Leonidas Guibas
Department: Computer Science
Sponsor: United States Navy (USN) ONR NEPTUNE Program
Next-generation AI Accelerators for Spatially Aware Autonomous Naval Systems
PI: Prof. Subhasish Mitra
Department: Electrical Engineering/Computer Science
Sponsor: United States Navy (USN) ONR NEPTUNE Program
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